28 Aug 2009

Collective animals

I went to the Design Act exhibition/festival yesterday in Moscow. It was interesting, although they didn't have as many things there as I have expected - I remember saying things like "That's an interesting/clever idea" fairly often, however not so much at the actual exhibition but more at the Design Market . In one of the articles about the exibition, it read: "I's usually not one person that invents something new, rather several people invent a similar thing all over the world at around the same time. There must be some sort of Collective Consciousness where ideas grow and mature". Wikipedia defines it as:
"Collective consciousness refers to the shared beliefs and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society." - Not quite the same thing the article meant.

Well that got me thinking just how often I experienced that Collective Consiousness - no, Im not trying to say Im a great inventor, its much simpler than that. Whenever I start liking something, not long after I do, everyone suddenly seem to be into the same sort of thing, even people that I've never had any contact with (say, people whos blogs I read but never comment).
Even simply when I find a band a like (Florence and the Machine, for example) and within months they get Brit Awards and I hear them on the radio in Russia!
I get sick of shimmery eyeshadow and wish there was more matts on the market. Before I know it, Revelon and Pupa have a new "matt perfection collection"... It's weird.
Sometimes I think that, possibly I just get brainwashed unconsiously and in reality all those things were popular before I found out about them/started liking them.

Or maybe Im a very good entrepreneur?

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, Collective Consciousness is also a term thrown about by pseudo-intellectual new age hipsters (such as myself cough) coming from Carl Jung's theories of it being more of a Primordial-Brain Soup where all of mankind's base thoughts come from.

    His theories were made even more popular by something called "Transcendental Meditation". Check it out, I've always dreamed of us practising it whilst sitting around a lava lamp and embalming ourselves in patchouli oil. If we're lucky we can experience an "original thought" like David Lynch.


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