28 Aug 2009

Collective animals

I went to the Design Act exhibition/festival yesterday in Moscow. It was interesting, although they didn't have as many things there as I have expected - I remember saying things like "That's an interesting/clever idea" fairly often, however not so much at the actual exhibition but more at the Design Market . In one of the articles about the exibition, it read: "I's usually not one person that invents something new, rather several people invent a similar thing all over the world at around the same time. There must be some sort of Collective Consciousness where ideas grow and mature". Wikipedia defines it as:
"Collective consciousness refers to the shared beliefs and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society." - Not quite the same thing the article meant.

Well that got me thinking just how often I experienced that Collective Consiousness - no, Im not trying to say Im a great inventor, its much simpler than that. Whenever I start liking something, not long after I do, everyone suddenly seem to be into the same sort of thing, even people that I've never had any contact with (say, people whos blogs I read but never comment).
Even simply when I find a band a like (Florence and the Machine, for example) and within months they get Brit Awards and I hear them on the radio in Russia!
I get sick of shimmery eyeshadow and wish there was more matts on the market. Before I know it, Revelon and Pupa have a new "matt perfection collection"... It's weird.
Sometimes I think that, possibly I just get brainwashed unconsiously and in reality all those things were popular before I found out about them/started liking them.

Or maybe Im a very good entrepreneur?

26 Aug 2009

Unwashed and somewhat slightly dazed

I guess it wasnt such a bad idea starting a new blog, Im dying of loneliness and thoughtless thoughts (paradox...)
Interesting thing, David Bowie songs are currently making me feel rather depressed, even if they are upbeat. I love Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed. Reminds me of the trips to school in the morning, sitting on the train, looking at trees/people/houses/roads/cars/houses/train stations... going past the window. Just realized how appropriate the title of that song is, in terms of my current situation. Well - I will shower in twenty minutes or so.
I have such cold hands - and feet.

  1. terms of abuse for a masturbator
    Synonym(s): jerk-off, wanker
  2. someone who throws lightly (as with the palm upward)

Someone who throws lightly? What do they mean with that?
Yes, so another reason i started this blog is because my spelling has been a mess lately, I need the practice.

Jesus, what is happening? Why have I become so melancholic?

As in wholes...

So there we have it, a whole new blog. My fifth one i believe. Im a swinger when it comes to blogs. I simply cannot stay true to one. Either way, in this one Im planning on publishing various photos (read: snapshots of my face and cats, heh), ramble about my love toward David Bowie, talk about cats, fashion and boredom.

Hopefully you wont die of boredom.
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